GovPlanet: Before you buy

FAQs covering things to know before bidding and buying in GovPlanet online auctions.

Things to know before you bid & buy

Sellers list their equipment in our weekly online auctions. Bids can be placed online so buyers from around the world can participate. Once payment is confirmed, our integrated transportation partner VeriTread can help buyers transport items from their location.

Sorry, this is usually difficult to arrange due to the distribution of equipment at the time of sale. Our independent inspections provide detailed in-depth reports on the condition of the equipment. This is backed up by our IronClad Assurance which lets you bid with confidence, even without needing to see the equipment yourself.

Items in our weekly online auctions do not have a reserve price.

Our Customer Care Agents and Sales Representatives are ready to help you. Just call 888-433-5426 and we’ll do our best to answer your questions.

Whenever possible, operational manuals are provided with the equipment. If an operational manual is available, it will be noted in the General Appearance section of the inspection report.

IronClad Assurance means ‘What You See is What You Get’. Once you receive the equipment, you have one business day to report to GovPlanet any significant discrepancies between the condition of the equipment when you received it, and the condition described in the Inspection Report. If the discrepancy is validated through our dispute resolution process, we will refund you for the purchase price plus any transportation costs, or the equipment may be repaired at no cost to you.

Auction winners will be charged a 15% buyers fee for sales ranging from $1 to $10,000 or 10% (min $1,500) for items above $10,000. Auction winners will also be subjected to any applicable state taxes; as well as either a $25 fee for a bill of sale, $50 for an SF97, or $150 for a Montana title. Florida Residents may incur additional tax/title/license fees. Please ensure that your profile information is updated to ensure that these additional fees are applied appropriately.